Nice to meet you.
Come Visit
Nestled in the southernmost regions of Wisconsin’s northern woods, the bustling town of Nekoosa is home to the Nekoosa United Church of Christ. The congregation is located along the Wisconsin River immediately adjacent to the bridge that crosses into town. It’s location is a park-like campus that invites both resident and visitor to explore this vibrant community of faith.

Nekoosa UCC Community
The congregation was the first to be established in Nekoosa, sharing its roots with the town’s beginnings in the thriving paper mill industry. Historically a working class community; the members and friends of Nekoosa United Church of Christ share a common faith that reaches out in service and mission with the very compassion that Christ has shared with us. We affirm the Biblical mandates of love, justice and peace, and we seek a world in which all people may live together in the harmony of God’s Grace.
Open to All
Centered in Christ and Biblically informed, the Nekoosa United Church of Christ celebrates its diversity and takes great joy in the many ways in which God’s people are called to worship and serve.

The United Church of Christ